A percussion instrument consisting of vertical metal tubes of different lengths that are struck with a hammer. 用锤敲打的带有不同长短的垂直金属管的一种打击乐器。
We must strike while the iron is hot. percussion hammer for shotguns and rifles 我们必须趁热打铁。滑膛枪和来复枪的击铁
The result shows that the bounces of anvil and bit lead to the many times of percussion of the impact hammer drilling system. 结果表明,由于砧子及钎头的反弹,导致冲击锤钻凿系统发生多次冲击现象。
Wood can also be used percussion hammer approach, combined with positive and reverse pump to dredge; 也可用木锤敲击的方法,结合正、反转泵,使之疏通;
Study of Shift Scheme for Hydraulic Percussion Hammer 液压冲击器换档方案研究
The algorithm adaptively scents the changes of the unknown input. With the estimate of computed speed and unknown resistances of the piston in the stroke, the percussion energy of the nitrogen explosion hydraulic hammer is measured by expand Kalman filter. 算法自适应跟踪未知输入的变化,估算活塞冲程、回程的速度和未知的阻力,从而测量氮爆式液压冲击锤的冲击能量。